DJ Fabs
There's No Place Like Home....

Adventurers' Profiles....

Caught on Camera....

Caught on Camera 2...

Caught on Camera 3...

Caught on Camera 4...

Caught on Camera 5...

Caught on Camera 6...

All American....

DJ Fabs

Annual Subscription....

The Trio's Adventures Thus Far...

Top 10 Mistakes



Whats up homies in da house? This page is just my idea in an inspired moment of boredom - it just lists all the best stuff (music) I have heard since I've been in the US.

For those who know my music tastes they know that it ain't for everybody - like pregnant women, people with pacemakers and people who dont worship the devil. Kidding. I'm sure you can find any of these songs on Kazaa, or AudioGalaxy, or any other Napster like site. Have fun!

Before I start on music, I have to recommend some movies I have seen here that will blow your mind.

"Requiem for a Dream" - about drugs, after you have seen this you will be scared to take your next Panadol - no shit, this is scary stuff.

"Slackers" - along the lines of American Pie and stuff like that, this is some funny stuff - I give it 4 and a half stars. Lots of potty humour, haha.

"Office Space" - Im sure most people have already seen this but if you haven't it is damn clever and most people will probably nod along with it saying, "Yes, this is exactly like my pathetic life". Well, I did.

"Old School" - a bunch of 30 year olds start a fraternity - that's gold!!

Steve, Tina and I went and saw "The Hunted" with Tommy Lee Jones and Benecio Del Toro. It would have been more fun cleaning homeless peoples' faeces off the sidewalk. Do not go and see this film. Wait til it is out on video, hire it and then burn it straight away before anyone else is made to watch it.

Ok, anyways, onto the music - there is some hot shit here - this is what DJ Fabs recommends....

AFI - A Fire Inside

The best band I have gotten into here is AFI (A Fire Inside). Their music is Californian punk mixed with more moody overtones (does that make sense?)- they have just released a new album called "Sing the Sorrow" which DJ Fabs highly recommends. The best songs are "Bleed Black", "Girl's Not Grey", "This Celluloid Dream" and "The Leaving Song".
Excellent songs off other albums are "A Single Second", "Wester", "Days of the Phoenix" and "Dream of Waking".

I know Ben, Rhys and maybe Wade will like it.
Punk - EMO and Otherwise
EMO music is normal punk (songs about Breaking Up and Skateboarding) without the songs about skateboarding. I think EMO stands for emotional or something. There are some excellent bands here like "A New Found Glory", "All-American Rejects", "Homegrown" and so on.

Songs to check out are

A New Found Glory - "Head On Collision", "Broken Sound", "Eyesore".

All American Rejects - "Swing, Swing"

Homegrown - all their songs, but off their new album called Kings of Pop - "Waiting on Me", "Kiss Me, Diss Me" and "I Love You, Not".

Rufio - "Still"

Sum 41 - "The Hell Song", "Still Waiting"

The Used - "Buried Myself Alive"

A Simple Plan - "I'd Do Anything"
Angry Devil's Music
Ah, my favourite - lots of screaming and biting the heads off chickens - good clean fun.

System of a Down - "Boom"

Chevelle - "The Red"

Taproot - "Poem"


Well, that's it for now, stay cool homies, and to do that, download everything I have listed here and commit the lyrics to memory......this is DJ Fabs, leaving da house.