Caught on Camera 3...
There's No Place Like Home....

Adventurers' Profiles....

Caught on Camera....

Caught on Camera 2...

Caught on Camera 3...

Caught on Camera 4...

Caught on Camera 5...

Caught on Camera 6...

All American....

DJ Fabs

Annual Subscription....

The Trio's Adventures Thus Far...

Top 10 Mistakes


Here are even more photos! Gee you guys are lucky!!
Below is Death Valley, California. As well as being a barren wasteland, it is home to the second lowest point on Earth, Badwater. The lowest of course is the Dead Sea.

Death Valley, California

Fosters, its Australian for Beer!

Here is Fabs next to a Fosters beer display. This stuff is sold everywhere here and, like all Aussie expats, we love it! Note also the 24oz coffee he is holding, costing only $1.29, what a bargain. However, several toilet trips were needed as the road trip continued....
Aussies Join the War Against Terror!
This photo was taken as we went over the Sierra Mountains on our way to Reno, at a place near Donner Summit (elevation 9000ft). We are shown here in the standard Aussie "War Against Terror" costume of Oz flag and boxer shorts, as well as standard army issue Doc Martens. Our Chevrolet Astro, pictured, allowed us to pass undetected through enemy lines....and it drank a shitload of gas.
Alex, Fabs and Dan
Shown here are our American friends whom we met at Comstock (our place of residence). They are originally from the "bay area" which is basically San Francisco and the surrounding suburbs. They are champs and have taught us to undersdtand the intricacies of American football. It is actually much more than a bunch of buff men sticking their heads near each other arses. This photo is Alex (left), Fabs and Dan at the Cal-Neva casino bar downing blatantly homosexual vodka and cranberries. Nonetheless, this night turned out to be a corker with the three boys, I mean men, painting the town red, attending several bars before hanging out with swingers at the babylon Club til 4:30am. 1 Hour later Fabs got up for work still drunk, but managed to sober up by lunchtime - damn those Long Island Ice Teas!

P.S Any ladies who want Dan and Alex's email adresses and nude photos please contact us.
The Work Crew
These are our fellow work mates, from left to right:
Steve (Aus); Tina (Aus); Carolina (Peru); Fabs (Aus); Martin (Argentina); Ursela (Peru); Juan (Argentina).

Now Martin doesn't work with us, he is an awesome dude we met who is Juans friend. We call him Trucker because he wears those baseball caps with the netting that truckers wear.

Steve, Tian, Fabs - The Aussie Trio, obviously, enought said.

Carolina - A funny little girl who is in constant need of assistance.

Ursela - A naughty girl who has enjoys having multiple boyfriends ;-)

Juan - A wicked snowboarder with a personality to match Steve and Fabs. This guy is a total dude!
The Beautiful People
A very good-looking couple at the employee bowling party.
The Work Christmas Party
Here is the Aussie Trio with our boss Carl at the christmas party. We were all pissed (Carl especially) and we decided to do some Karaoke. Carl got very pissed, tried to drive home, passed out in the snow, got his car towed which cost him to recover. He is a very unlucky man. He is currently in jail for unknow reasons. We are not sure if he is still our boss......lets hope so because he constantly buys us alcohol on his managers charge account. Way to go Carl!
Ice skating at Squaw Valley USA
This is Steve and Tina using some of there spare time off work to have fun. They are ice skating at the olympic ice rink at 8200ft elevation. Behind them is the beautiful lake tahoe and the great Sierra Nevada mountains.
and it continues ...
this night just kept getting messier. We all had a few too many drinks and got a very interesting first impression of our boss (we had only been at work for less than a week at this stage!)
Olympic Village at Squaw Valley USA
This is the village at the base of the Squaw Valley Ski Resort. This is where we start the day (6200ft) before we catch the gondola up to our restaurants at 8200ft elevation.
Riding the local tart
In Tahoe, getting action is easy because for $1.25 you can get a ride on one of the local T.A.R.T buses. (Tahoe Area Regional Transport). Just a funny name that we thought warranted a photo.
Superbowl Party!
This is the trio enjoying the Superbowl final at a local pub in Tahoe city. We got a booth in the corner and decorated it in Aussie gear just to let everyone know we were there. We also won many prizes that night including a few bottles of wine and a golf bag. We gave the golf bag away and drank the wine. Not a bad catch though!
The Crossroads Cafe Chain Gang
Here is the Crossroads Cafe crew at work (or not at work for just a moment) at the sunny heights of 8200ft elevation. There is where we work and as you can see its got quite a picturesque backdrop. Note our boss is missing, he may have been smoking a bowl or arrested again.